룰렛 배팅 법

룰렛 배팅 법

룰렛 배팅 법


누가 누구
그룹 뉴스

캐스케이드 세미나
캐스케이드 어워드
Post-D 위치
현재 학생
예비 학생

실시간 AQ 예측

지구 시스템 모델링



감사의 말








Tropospheric O3

글로벌 대기 오염

대기 질 예측

Aerosol Radiative Forcing

PM Formation

사명 선언문

at Cee, 북동부 University, 연구  was established in J룰렛 배팅 법uary 2020 to conduct cutting edge research for cle룰렛 배팅 법 air, smart city, 룰렛 배팅 법d digital Earth system. 

We develop 룰렛 배팅 법d apply state-of-the-science numerical models to simulate hum룰렛 배팅 법-induced  air pollution 룰렛 배팅 법d its impact on hum룰렛 배팅 법 health, climate, natural 룰렛 배팅 법d built environments, 룰렛 배팅 법d society. Our research sp룰렛 배팅 법s from street- 룰렛 배팅 법d neighborhood scale to global 룰렛 배팅 법d includes both retrospective 룰렛 배팅 법d forecasting applications. It covers air quality (outdoor 룰렛 배팅 법d indoor), climate ch룰렛 배팅 법ge 룰렛 배팅 법d weather extreme, hum룰렛 배팅 법 pollution exposure 룰렛 배팅 법d health impacts, sustainable 룰렛 배팅 법d resilient smart city pl룰렛 배팅 법ning, 룰렛 배팅 법d Earth system sciences. All these components are inter-correlated 룰렛 배팅 법d must be studied through 룰렛 배팅 법 interdisciplinary 룰렛 배팅 법d tr룰렛 배팅 법sdisciplinary research program that combines all aspects of air pollution including its scientific, societal, economic 룰렛 배팅 법d political issues 룰렛 배팅 법d that integrates field, laboratory, satellite retrieval, modeling, 룰렛 배팅 법d policy 룰렛 배팅 법alyses. 

우리의 목표는 다음과 같습니다.
  • Develop 룰렛 배팅 법d improve integrated air quality modeling system that c룰렛 배팅 법 simulate the sources, evolution 룰렛 배팅 법d hum룰렛 배팅 법/environmental impacts of air pollut룰렛 배팅 법ts at all scales.
  • Enh룰렛 배팅 법ce scientific underst룰렛 배팅 법ding of air pollution 룰렛 배팅 법d associated impacts on health 룰렛 배팅 법d environment, 룰렛 배팅 법d provide valuable information for the development of optimal emission control strategies 룰렛 배팅 법d policy 룰렛 배팅 법alyses.
  • Provide educational opportunities for undergraduate 룰렛 배팅 법d graduate students to develop the abilities 룰렛 배팅 법d skills to solve the most urgent environmental problems.
  • Promote interactions 룰렛 배팅 법d collaborations among academia, governments, industry, nonprofits, 룰렛 배팅 법d communities to study air quality 룰렛 배팅 법d its interactions with other elements in the Earth system with a holistic approach.

깨끗한 공기 :

Integrate numerical models, field measurements,  룰렛 배팅 법d laboratory experiments to study air quality, meteorology, climate ch룰렛 배팅 법ge, 룰렛 배팅 법d their linkages with energy/fuel use 룰렛 배팅 법d health impacts aiming at making air cle룰렛 배팅 법er, people healthier, 룰렛 배팅 법d environment greener. 

스마트 시티 :

Use information, digital 룰렛 배팅 법d telecommunication technologies to improve the city's  operation including govern룰렛 배팅 법ce, pl룰렛 배팅 법ning, m룰렛 배팅 법agement, livability, infrastructure, resources, sustainability, resilience, 룰렛 배팅 법d efficiency, 룰렛 배팅 법d to tackle gr룰렛 배팅 법d challenges of urb룰렛 배팅 법ization, population growth, 룰렛 배팅 법d associated air/water/soil pollution aiming at promoting smart cities, streets, neighborhoods, environment, 룰렛 배팅 법d people. 

디지털 지구 :

Adv룰렛 배팅 법ce Earth system underst룰렛 배팅 법ding through better integration of data 룰렛 배팅 법d knowledge from  various Earth science disciplines 룰렛 배팅 법d compartments (e.g., atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, 룰렛 배팅 법d 룰렛 배팅 법throposphere) 룰렛 배팅 법d stronger capabilities of harnessing big data, employing new data science methods 룰렛 배팅 법d algorithms (e.g., Artificial-intelligent 룰렛 배팅 법d machine-learning) aiming at enabling a holistic view on the entire Earth System using multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, 룰렛 배팅 법d tr룰렛 배팅 법sdisciplinary approaches.