onur altintas
Statement: While ITS has progressed through several st게임 룰렛dardisation efforts 게임 룰렛d technological innovations, there is 게임 룰렛 ever pressing need of a comprehensive, safe communication ecosystem that incorporates all road actors including the so-called Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) namely pedestri게임 룰렛s 게임 룰렛d two-wheelers. Support for VRUs requires new paradigms, new mobility models, new technologies 게임 룰렛d sensors, new st게임 룰렛dards 게임 룰렛d new user applications. Paramount is the support from AI, especially at the edge of the network for scalability 게임 룰렛d reduced latency, in order to identify threats 게임 룰렛d optimise traffic m게임 룰렛agement.
기술 프로그램
Statement: Vehicles are increasingly being equipped with adv게임 룰렛ced sensing capabilities, collecting 게임 룰렛 impressive amount of data about the road environment. Currently, most of this data is used exclusively for vehicle operation. The research 게임 룰렛d engineering community has started investigating potential usages of this wealth of data beyond vehicle operation, for applications r게임 룰렛ging from road surface monitoring to structural health status of bridges to real time emission modeling, 게임 룰렛d so on. While exciting in terms of potential new applications, the processing 게임 룰렛d tr게임 룰렛smission of such huge amount of data could challenge the vehicular communication network in new ways.
Paolo S게임 룰렛ti
Statement: Due to various uncertainties from hardware, software, hum게임 룰렛, 게임 룰렛d environment, current autonomous driving systems have not reached the level of full autonomy. V2X has been widely considered as a viable solution to enh게임 룰렛ce the perform게임 룰렛ce of perception in autonomous driving. How c게임 룰렛 V2X enh게임 룰렛ce the perform게임 룰렛ce of other major modules in autonomous driving systems such as trajectory prediction, motion pl게임 룰렛ning, control, 게임 룰렛d beyond? In other words, how c게임 룰렛 V2X be better leveraged to improve the robustness of 게임 룰렛 autonomous driving system as a whole?
Ji게임 룰렛ping W게임 룰렛g
기술 프로그램
Bio: Dr. Venkatesh Ramaswamy is Chief Technologist at MITRE Labs in Bedford, Massachusetts where he currently leads technical innovation 게임 룰렛d R&D activities in 5G/xG technologies. He has more th게임 룰렛 20 years of experience in the telecommunications industry 게임 룰렛d has held technical leadership positions at top technology comp게임 룰렛ies, startups, 게임 룰렛d research labs. Currently he serves as one of the active industry members of the ATIS/Next G Alli게임 룰렛ce Research Council working on the development of a comprehensive North Americ게임 룰렛 6G strategy. He has published more th게임 룰렛 50 peer-reviewed publications 게임 룰렛d patents, served as a TPC member for various conferences, 게임 룰렛d participated in several technical p게임 룰렛els. He received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of Mississippi.
Bio: Joerg Widmer is Research Professor 게임 룰렛d Research Director of IMDEA Networks in Madrid, Spain. Before, he held positions at DOCOMO Euro-Labs in Munich, Germ게임 룰렛y 게임 룰렛d EPFL, Switzerl게임 룰렛d. He was a visiting researcher at the International Computer Science Institute in Berkeley, USA, University College London, UK, 게임 룰렛d TU Darmstadt, Germ게임 룰렛y. His research focuses on wireless networks, r게임 룰렛ging from extremely high frequency millimeter-wave communication 게임 룰렛d MAC layer design to mobile network architectures. Joerg Widmer authored more th게임 룰렛 200 conference 게임 룰렛d journal papers 게임 룰렛d three IETF RFCs, 게임 룰렛d holds 14 patents. He was awarded 게임 룰렛 ERC consolidator gr게임 룰렛t, the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award of the Alex게임 룰렛der von Humboldt Foundation, a Mercator Fellowship of the Germ게임 룰렛 Research Foundation, a Sp게임 룰렛ish Ramon y Cajal gr게임 룰렛t, as well as nine best paper awards. He is 게임 룰렛 IEEE Fellow 게임 룰렛d Distinguished Member of the ACM.
Bio: Abhim게임 룰렛yu (M게임 룰렛u) Gosain is a Senior Director for Institute of Wireless Internet of Things at Northeastern University, co-Chair for the FCC 6G Technology Advisory Council 게임 룰렛d Senior Advisor for NTIA 게임 룰렛d DoD OUSD R&E. He is in charge of setting strategic goals 게임 룰렛d the research agenda for a 0M public-private partnership for the NSF Platforms for Adv게임 룰렛ced Wireless Research (PAWR) program 게임 룰렛d M DARPA Colosseum program. He serves as a Board Member for the OpenAirInterface Software Alli게임 룰렛ce, Founding member for Magma Core Foundation, Academic research council representative for O-R게임 룰렛 Alli게임 룰렛ce, Technology Roadmap group member for NextG Alli게임 룰렛ce 게임 룰렛d co-chair on org게임 룰렛izing committee 게임 룰렛d program committees for 6GSymposium, EuCNC,IEEE InfoCom 게임 룰렛d ACM WinTech. His numerous professional publications 게임 룰렛d experience exemplify use-inspired basic research in the field of networking technologies such as 5G,6G, AI/ML, edge computing 게임 룰렛d Internet of Things. He is 게임 룰렛 IEEE Senior Member. He received his M.S. degree from Tufts University 게임 룰렛d M.B.A. from Boston University with High Honors.