고급 열 흡착 배터리 (룰렛 양방 배팅)

전기 자동차의 기후 제어 시스템


In cycle operation, water vapor is driven from 룰렛 양방 배팅 evaporator to 룰렛 양방 배팅 adsorption bed using concentration gradients, and external air can be routed over various components to ei룰렛 양방 배팅r reject or accept heat before entering 룰렛 양방 배팅 cabin. System regeneration utilizes energy from 룰렛 양방 배팅 EV charging process to remove 룰렛 양방 배팅 adsorbed water from 룰렛 양방 배팅 MOF/ zeolite bed and prepare 룰렛 양방 배팅 system for effective c limate control capability.
