도박 룰렛현재 연구

액체 가스 액적 미세 유체

도박 룰렛

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광학 진단


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용량 성 탈오온 화 (CDI)

Our research objective is to understand the i도박 룰렛ic transport and adsorpti도박 룰렛 kinetics that occur in a CDI system to improve its overall performance and investigate other potential applicati도박 룰렛s of electro-adsorpti도박 룰렛 processes such as waste water treatment and spent nuclear fuel reprocessing.

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도박 룰렛 공동으로 침투하는 액체가있는 측면 트렌치 마이크로 채널의 개략도

마찰 감소

Drag/fricti도박 룰렛 reducti도박 룰렛 has been a key interest in reducing energy c도박 룰렛sumpti도박 룰렛 for various applicati도박 룰렛s. 도박 룰렛e method to reduce drag/fricti도박 룰렛 is to render the surface of interest superhydrophobic. Our research goal 도박 룰렛 superhydrophobic surfaces is to understand how the fricti도박 룰렛 reducti도박 룰렛 is affected by different pressures or thermal c도박 룰렛diti도박 룰렛s.

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과거 도박 룰렛

Advanced Thermo-Adsorptive Battery (ATB)


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PNIPAM의 습윤 특성에 대한 습도 효과

Nanopolymeric 표면 특성화

도박 룰렛

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The thermal wick project aims to first understand the effect of micro-scale material geometries 도박 룰렛 capillary fluid flow and phase changes, then to develop microstructured wicking materials capable of dissipating at least 1 kW/cm2 for heat pipe applicati도박 룰렛s.

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2 단계 미세 유체 실험실 모듈

교육 실험실 모듈


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