용량 성 탈 이온화 (룰렛 양방 배팅)
룰렛 양방 배팅 입자 수송 - 물 담수화
용량 성 탈 이온화 (룰렛 양방 배팅)
It is also well known that electrochemical techniques such as DC voltammetry and impedance analysis can be used to characterize
materials as potential electrodes in this type of system. Our laboratory counts with cutting-edge technology equipment to perform
these type of tests. Figure 4 presents the Nyquist plot from an EIS analysis of a porous material under investigation. Both,
desalination experiments and EIS tests would be combined to gain a deeper understanding of the ionic transport and adsorption kinetics occurring in a 룰렛 양방 배팅 system.